The Boghouse Podcast

Created by Matt and Melissa Dunphy
A chronicle of their engagement with the archaeology and history of Philadelphia.

Episode 21: October 2019 — First of a two-part interview with archaeologist Jed Levin, talking about how he started in archaeology and about the the archaeology at the President’s House site in Independence Park in Philadelphia. Listen via direct url at Apple Podcast, sticher,, google play, or Spotify below:

Episode 22; October 2019The second (of 2) podcasts interviewing archaeologist Jed Levin about the president’s house dig in Philadelphia. Listen via direct url at Apple Podcast, stitcher,, google play, or Spotify below:

Episode 14, April 2019 — Interview with Debbie Miller about her experience with material culture evidence and the field of archaeology. Listen via direct url at Apple Podcast, stitcher,, google play, or Spotify, below:
